Practicing law in SW Virginia, part eight....remote historic courthouse with confederate soldier statue guarding the grounds. Judge: I'm not sure I like the way these pleadings look Mr. Gardner. You may have driven up from the beach for nothing. Me: Oh, I live in Salem. Judge: Huh, Salem born and Salem bred. Me: Yes sir. (Maybe we have something here.) Judge: You know, I grew up in that area. Me: Yes sir, me too. (Definitely got something here.) Judge: Where did you go to school? Me: Salem High School Judge: Has anything changed in Salem? Me: Well, we have a couple of breweries in town. Judge: Yea, I don't really drink beer. Me: So no aspirations for the Supreme Court? No response whatsoever. (I got nothing.) Me: Lengthy explanation of legal argument. Judge:Um Hmm. I went to Cave Spring. No love lost for Salem. Me:I understand..... My wife teaches at Cave Spring. After considering my lucid, intelligent and well thought out argument, Judge signs order....or...Score one for Carol.
Scott Gardner