My 16-year-old car decides to take a break on the side of the road in unknown parts near Kingsport. Deputy Roscoe pulled over to give me assistance. He noticed two airplane bottles of Woodford in my front seat. Thanks Trey Gregory. I told him they were both unopened. He asked if there were any empty bottles in the back. I replied I was a lawyer and did not believe in drinking and driving. He gave me a look like I was William Hurt from the Big Chill. He said since I have a Hokie sticker on my car he understood my tendency to drink. I appreciated his understanding. He escorted me to Cooters garage about a mile down the road. Cooter told me I had a bad sensor but it would take a few days to get a new one. No car rentals for 30 miles. He told me if I could get the car in gear I could drive it home. No sign of Daisy so I told Roscoe I would be back in a few weeks to kick ole Smokey's ass. That is all.
Scott Gardner
Practicing law in SW Va. - Tennessee
Updated: Oct 10, 2019